We hope that our books will inspire you to find your personal strength, restore your inner peace and harmony, and cultivate your natural desire to live an authentic life to the fullest.
We enjoy publishing books that are born of timeless truths and fundamental universal concepts that are designed to inspire the soul and reconnect us to our own innate love, wisdom and personal power.
White Fire Publishing was established in 2007 as a subsidiary of Internal Insights by Harold W. Becker, Publisher, and John T. Goltz, Vice President. We publish works that inspire, uplift and expand consciousness. We are non-political and non-religious and feel that all experiences should be used as a pathway "within" on the journey of self-discovery. Our books are primarily focused on unconditional love and self-empowerment. We hope you enjoy our publications.
Additional inspiration can be found at www.thelovefoundation.com
Internal Power: Seven Doorways to Self Discovery
by Harold W. Becker
(192 pgs) $15.95 US plus $ 4.95 S/H USA Domestic
This 15th anniversary revised edition of Harold's original book, Internal Power, celebrates this powerful process of self discovery. It is perfect for those in search of personal meaning and wanting to know what life is all about. A wonderful starting point to self realization and understanding... bringing the practical aspects of who we really are to the forefront. This book shares "how-to" become our potential, understanding and overcoming our limitation, and inspires us to seek the best out of life. Easy and fun to read. Endorsed by Dr. Bernie Siegel, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and John Randolph Price. (1993/2008) Check out the REVIEWS
Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being
by Harold W. Becker
(252 pgs) $16.95 US plus $4.95 S/H USA Domestic
Unconditional Love is a book about self-exploration and revealing your true potential. It provides tools to allow inner peace, realize dreams and manifest a new vision for your life. This inspirational work will show you how to start loving yourself and enjoy life. Unconditional Love shares its magic by celebrating your personal journey of triumph over limitations and helps you find the fulfillment that "self-awareness" provides. Like a road map to the inner self, this unique book moves beyond the traditional focus of self-help and captures the timeless essence of a powerful, underlying movement to personal mastery. (2007)
Unconditional Love Is... Appreciating Aspects of Love
by Harold W. Becker
(138 pgs) $14.95 US plus $3.95 S/H USA Domestic
Inspiring Unconditional Love - Reflections from the Heart
by Harold W. Becker
(108 pgs) $14.95 US plus $3.95 S/H USA Domestic
Inspiring Unconditional Love 2 - More Reflections from the Heart
by Harold W. Becker
(108 pgs) $14.95 US plus $3.95 S/H USA Domestic
Inspiring Unconditional Love 2 is another extraordinary compilation of empowering quotes direct from Harold's heart to yours. In this encore presentation to his original book, Inspiring Unconditional Love, he shares an entirely new collection of his timeless and intuitive insights on life and love. These all new 301 practical, useful and perceptive statements encourage you to become conscious of your thoughts and feelings, aligning them with the essence of your love to create a more peaceful and joyful life. With each turn of these creatively designed pages, you will find your heart expanding as you embrace your unlimited potential. (2011)
Angels, Love and Light
by John T. Goltz
(96 pgs) $13.95 US plus $3.95 S/H USA Domestic
Angels, Love and Light is 42 beautifully crafted poems relating to angels, love and light. In his foreword, Harold Becker says, "On rare occasions, we are afforded the opportunity to experience inspiration that touches the depths of our souls. Such moments are gifts that delight the very core of our being and encourage us to expand our awareness beyond the norm. These poems are filled with treasures that tickle our imaginations and remind us of our true heritage as divine beings of light. John calls us back to the memory of our angelic self as we explore the joy of a fanciful moment. This talented author provides the ingredients and all we add is our openness to enjoy a delightful feast of the heart." (2010)
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